Digital Marketing Strategies in Improving the Performance of SMEs in Semarang City with Viral Marketing as a Connecting Bridge

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Firdaus Firdaus
Muhamad Roby Jatmiko
Wa Ode Sitti Nurrahmah
Sri Sulistiyaningsih
Asepta Hendriyanto
Kukuh Mulyanto
Fiderius Ismanto
Meizar Effendi


The aim of this research is to examine how digital marketing strategies can enhance the performance of SMEs in Semarang City using viral marketing. This research focuses on the food and beverage industry, with 40 respondents from SMEs. This study uses a quantitative approach with questionnaires as the data collection tool. Using SPSS software, the obtained data were analyzed to determine the relationship between the use of digital marketing strategies and the performance of SMEs. The research results indicate that viral marketing strategies have a significant impact on the visibility and sales of SME products in the food and beverage industry. Viral marketing has the potential to increase market reach and enhance consumer interaction with the brand. This research provides valuable insights for the development of digital marketing strategies in the context of SMEs in Semarang City and demonstrates the importance for SME actors to creatively and effectively utilize digital platforms in designing viral campaigns to enhance their competitiveness and business performance.

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Firdaus, F., Roby Jatmiko, M. ., Nurrahmah, W. O. S. ., Sulistiyaningsih, S., Hendriyanto, A., Mulyanto, K., Ismanto, F., & Effendi, M. (2024). Digital Marketing Strategies in Improving the Performance of SMEs in Semarang City with Viral Marketing as a Connecting Bridge. Anindyaguna Ekonobisnis : Jurnal Ekonomi Dan Bisnis STIE Anindyaguna, 6(2), 1–16. Retrieved from


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